3CN World Book Day - 7th March 2025
Published in the Blog
World Book Day outfits.
Learning for Life - "Our vision is of a caring, happy school community where we build confidence, inspire a love of learning and have high aspirations for all".
We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to parents, carers, pupils, and guests visiting our school website.
Scoill yn Jubilee is situated on two sites - the infant site on Stoney Road and the Junior site at Laureston Avenue. Scoill yn Jubilee was created through an amalgamation of Ballaquayle Infant School and Murray’s Road Junior School in September 2012.The building on the infant site dates from 1971. The junior site was built in 1969, but there has been a school there since 1899. The school is situated in the north west area of Douglas. Although it has an urban location, the infant site overlooks beautiful scenery to the west.
Scoill yn Jubilee, is a caring, happy school community where we build confidence, inspire a love of learning and have high aspirations for all. As you navigate through this website, we hope you find the information you need, discover the latest school news and access resources that will help foster a collaborative relationship between home and school.
World Book Day outfits.
What a great team - the showed great teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the day, just missing out on the quarter finals. They should be very proud of themselves.
This week Year 3 visited St Ninian’s Church in order to enhance their RE subject learning about the features that are found in a Christian Church and special celebrations that are undertaken there. The year group were welcomed by some of the ‘Open the Book’ volunteers that are regular visitors into…
Thank you to Catherine Harrop from Standard Bank for delivering and donating some books with an Africa theme or written by an African author to school today to mark Africa Day.
Year 5 had a fantastic time at Robinsons on Coill Road looking at where produce comes from. We were shown around by Tony, who showed us around the butchers, the fish market (and let us stroke a live lobster) and the fresh produce section. We looked at the labels of the fruits and vegetables to see…
On Monday a group of our Year 4, 5 & 6 pupils took part in the Athletics Festival at the NSC. They showed great team work, supporting each other through all of the events. Thank you for being great representatives of Scoill yn Jubilee!
All of Year 3 made some volcanoes using mod roc. The finished designs are amazing!
3AM were busy last half term creating some beautiful pebble art pictures.
On Wednesday 14th February, Mr McLellan and Mr Shorthouse took our Junior School Council members to see City Hall.
In the inter-schools Tag Rugby festival, eight Year 3 students showcased outstanding sportsmanship and courage, embodying the values we hold dear at our school. Their exemplary behaviour and positive attitude not only reflected well on themselves but also represented our school with pride.
5VL loved their trip to the Legislative Building in Douglas to learn more about our Government and Democracy on the Isle of Man. Thank you so much to Julia for our tour, answering all our questions, showing us where and how laws are passed. We were able to have our own debate in the House of Keys o…