Scoill yn Jubilee

Learning for Life - "Our vision is of a caring, happy school community where we build confidence, inspire a love of learning and have high aspirations for all".


During your child's time with us we aim to provide a learning programme with consideration to his/her individual needs. Children will be taught in whole class situations, large and small groups and on an individual basis where additional support is required. Children learn at their own pace, react and develop in different ways and will remain unique.

In an atmosphere of mutual respect your child will be encouraged to be active in the learning process and to develop independence and an ability to reflect on their learning.

At Scoill yn Jubilee we firmly believe that there should be equal opportunity for all children to participate in all areas of the curriculum.


At Scoill yn Jubilee, our curriculum is designed to engage, inspire, and challenge our pupils. At its core are the transferrable knowledge and skills the children learn in English and Mathematics, as well as the progressive development of knowledge in a range of other subject areas.

Curriculum Drivers:

Across the curriculum, throughout every year group, our key school drivers are:

- The community: A learning community that collaborates effectively, utilizing our diverse strengths to achieve shared goals. We provide a caring environment where all succeed by developing a sense of responsibility.

- Engaging curriculum: We create the best possible learning experiences, providing stimulating and safe environments. Our curriculum includes real-life problem-solving to support deep learning, offering all children workshops about real issues and jobs to help them engage with the world around them. All children have the opportunity to present their real-life learning to each other.

- A child's perspective: We aspire for our children to become effective thinkers, capable of overcoming adversity with positivity and resilience, facing the challenges of an ever-evolving world with self-confidence and determination.

- Character building: Learners should develop dispositions and attitudes through our 6Rs: readiness, resilience, resourcefulness, reflection, remembering, and relationships.

- High aspirations: We provide challenging, stimulating, and child-initiated learning that develops creativity and resilience.

As a school:

  • we place high expectations on learning and teaching across the whole curriculum
  • we strive to deliver effective teaching and learning, making relevant links across subjects
  • we plan, teach and revisit knowledge in all areas of the curriculum
  • we teach skills which will be transferrable across subjects; we promote resilience in learning and social contexts within our 6Rs
  • we plan a broad and balanced curriculum for each year group
  • we work in partnership with parents of carers of all our pupils, and other agencies, to support positive learning and behaviour
  • we provide enrichment
  • we provide nurturing experiences
  • we actively support transition
  • we personalise the curriculum
  • we actively promote agreed core values

At Scoill yn Jubilee, we believe that a comprehensive English curriculum should foster students' love for reading, writing, and the spoken language, ensuring that they acquire the skills to express themselves confidently verbally and in writing. We hold high expectations for all children and encourage pupils to challenge themselves, persevere, and strive to reach their full potential.

The mathematics curriculum at Scoill yn Jubilee provides a clear sequence of learning that allows teachers to adapt their teaching and ensure that all learners make effective progress. We strongly believe that mathematics is a fundamental skill that goes beyond numbers, equations, calculations, or algorithms. It is about developing a conceptual understanding of the world around us, enabling us to become critical thinkers who can develop appropriate strategies to solve and embrace problems and difficulties we may encounter in life. We recognise the importance of linking mathematics to everyday life, ensuring that children are aware of its relevance and can become lifelong learners in the future.

Other curriculum areas, including Science, Computing, Technology, PSHE, PE, History, Geography, Music, and Art, provide breadth to our curriculum and are taught with the intention of offering learners opportunities to develop transferable knowledge, skills, and understanding to thrive in learning and life.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is a crucial part of a child’s education. It gives children access to critical information about themselves and the many facets of the diverse world around them. At Scoill yn Jubilee we provide a specifically tailored curriculum that is both broad and balanced, and meets the unique context of our school.

PSHE education will be provided to all children within our school and taught by class teachers in Reception through to year 6. Some PSHE topics are taught within other subjects. The PSHE curriculum enhances the social competence and social understanding of children and facilitate our school values.

Further information can be found here:

It is also our intention that through the implicit and explicit curriculum, the children become responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to the local, national (Manx), and global society as early as possible during their time at Scoill yn Jubilee.

Our curriculum is fully inclusive. Children with any additional needs are given opportunity to access the same high-quality teaching and learning in all aspects as their peers. Children may also be supported through an additional intervention support or technology to help remove barriers to learning. Where necessary a differentiated curriculum is fully planned to take into account individual needs. This is monitored by the class teachers and our SENDCO. Parents are informed of their child’s provision and progress and are encouraged to work in partnership with the school, to best meet the needs of their child.

Dedicated nurture provision exists at Scoill yn Jubilee, on both sitres. Our graduated approach to nurture ensures every child in the school has the opportunity to meet their personal goals and succeed in life. It ensures that every child has access to the support they need, when they need it.


Children are expected to take on responsibilities from the start of their school life, for example, all infant children take turns to be "Special Helper" for their class.

We have an active School Council committees for children to help make decisions to improve school life:-.

Children are also encouraged to take part in additional responsibilities:-

  • Library helpers;
  • Cloakroom helpers
  • Lunchtime helpers.


Pupils should aim to keep improving their personal best. Pupils should be polite and helpful to others at all times. They should have respect for others and other people's property.

Pupils should always walk in school and are expected to talk in quiet voices. We have a positive attitude towards developing good behaviour through praise, encouragement, and rewarding progress in their learning and behaviour that exhibits our school values.

At our Friday Celebration Assemblies we open our appreciation book and the children's names and reasons for nomination are read out, the children are given special appreciation bands.

Unacceptable behaviour is dealt with immediately. Each year group has an Incident Book to record serious incidents. Parents are informed the same day of any cause for concern and are asked to support the school in addressing the issue. In addition, the school has an agreed sequence of consequences for unacceptable behaviour which is carried out across the school.

If a child deliberately hurts another person the incident is dealt with and recorded. A 'yellow card' letter is sent home that day to inform parents. If there is a second similar incident that day, they receive a red card and parents are contacted to take their child home for the remainder of the day.

Home and school impinge on each other, and we would be grateful for information regarding any emotional upset suffered by children so that we can respond in an informed and appropriate way.

The schools 'Relationships Policy' and 'Anti-bullying Policy' are available to read on the school website.


The safety and well-being of children - or safeguarding - is everyone's business.

We believe that all children should be supported to grow up into confident, healthy and happy adults.

Most children enjoy generally happy childhood experiences within their own family. If any member of staff has concerns about a child they are required to follow the school's Safeguarding Policy. If we do need to contact Social Services if we have concerns about a child we try to always work closely with families and keep them informed from the outset.


School starts at 9.00 a.m. and finishes at 3.15 p.m. for infants and 3.30 p.m. for juniors.

It is very important that your child is punctual so as not to miss out on ary of the day's activities. Children are welcomed into school from 8.50 a.m. though no earlier, as we cannot accept responsibility for them before this time. Infant children should be handed over to a member of staff. If your infant child chooses to stay outside to play untill 9.00 a.m. we request parents remain with him/her, as we are unable to supervise childrem im the playground before schooll commences. To support chil aren's welfare, parents have access into school from 8.50 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. but during lesson times entry to school is through the front doors so that you can report your presence to the school administrators. A log book for latecomers is kept outside each school office which parents are asked to sign.

Reception children have access to outdoors with a range of equipment throughout the day.

For Years 1 and 2 playtime is 10.40 - 10.55 a.m.

For years 3 and 4 playtime is 10.25 - 10.40 a.m.

For Years 5 and 6 playtime is 10.45 - 11.00 a.m.

Junior pupils also have an aftermoon playtime, for years 3 and 4 playtime is

2.00 - 2.15 p.m and for years 5 and 6 playtime is 2.20 - 2.35 p.m.

Water or milk is available to children each morning and is payable in acuance (annually, termly or half termly as you wish). Any cash sent to school must be in a named envelope. Cheques for milk should be made payable to 'Scoill yn Jubilee". A healthy snack (choice of fresh fruit) is also available each morning for children. Junior children may bring their own fresh fruit or vegetables/salad item if parents do not wish to order fruit from school.

Payment is as for milk. Water is available for children throughout the day.


The school administrator is available in the INFANT & JUNIOR school offices each day.

8.30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

1.15 p.m. - 3.45 p.m.

It is helpful if you can contact school during these times whenever possible.


We ask all parents to keep the school updated with emergency contact telephone numbers and addresses.

Please let us know of any changes in contact information especially if you change jobs, move house, buy a new mobile phone or get a new e-mail address.


Should your child be absent from school, we ask that you notify us each morning so that the appropriate mark may be entered in the register.

If you wish your child not to take part in a P.E./swimming lesson, written notification is required.

If your child has an appointment with a doctor, dentist etc. please sign them out of school and back in again. In order for school to be able to authorise the absence we will ask to see the appointment card/letter or we require a written note in advance explaining the reason for absence being a medical appointment.

School will always telephone you if your child is unwell and we feel they should be at home. If your child is unwell please sign them out at the office when you collect them. The registers are kept outside the school offices by the front entrances. The administrators will be available to help you.


Please avoid taking your child out of school during term time, as this is very disruptive to your child's education.

Where this is unavoidable, please complete an absence request form which may be obtained from the school offices.

Leave of absence for holidays is not an entitlement and is entirely at the discretion of the Headteacher.

On educational grounds, neither the Department nor the school either supports or encourages additional time being taken off school for holiday purposes. Securing leave of absence for this purpose should not be regarded as a formality.

Leave of absence will not normally be granted for more than 10 school days in any academic year, save in exceptional circumstances.

Any time taken off school for which leave of absence has not been granted will be recorded as unauthorised leave and can result in legal action being taken against parents by the Department.

Leave of absence should be applied for in advance, not retrospectively.

If a child takes time off school without leave of absence or is absent for more than the number of days for which leave of absence has been granted, or if leave of absence is only applied for after a child returns from holiday, the school will refer the matter to its Education Liaison Officer who will arrange for an appropriate letter to be sent to the child's parent/s by the Department's Head of Legal and Administrative Services. This letter will inform parents that any repetition of their actions will automatically result in legal proceedings being initiated by the Department.


Our school uniform consists of a navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with school logo), red polo shirt (with school logo), navy trousers, skirt or pinafore.

Footwear - we ask children to wear navy or black shoes. Trainers, strappy or open-toed sandals and "crocs" are not acceptable. High heeled shoes are dangerous in the playground and are inappropriate for school. White or navy socks. Navy tights.

If children come to school in knee length boots during the winter months they need to have shoes or black pumps to change into for the classroom as boots are very uncomfortable for children when sitting on the carpet.

During the summer months navy short trousers may be worn. Girls may wear navy and white gingham dresses with navy sweatshirt cardigans (with school logo) as an alternative.

Navy fleeces/waterproof jackets with school logo may be purchased for outdoor use. Caps, legionnaire hats and woollen ski hats are also available.

All uniform with a logo can be ordered from the School Offices.

The Year 1 and 2 P. E. kit consists of a plain red or navy t-shirt, navy shorts and black pumps.

We find pumps with velcro fastenings easier for the children.

Junior children need to be equipped to work either inside or outside at all times of the year.

Each child should have:

  • training shoes for outdoor sport and pumps for indoor sports
  • plain navy shorts or gym skirts
  • plain red or navy t-shirts

Kit should all be kept in a drawstring bag. Please do not send large sports bags to school as we do not have room to store them.

We encourage all children on both sites to wear warm clothing for outdoor games lessons. Any protective tracksuit, or jogging bottoms and sweatshirt is appropriate.

Jewellery, make up (e.g. nail varnish, lip stick), artificially coloured hair, logos shaven into hair, tattoos, high heels or a nose piercing are not part of school uniform and therefore conflict with our school policy. Earrings are not permitted, except for children with pierced ears, who may wear studs on those days when they do not have swimming or P.E. On swimming and P.E. days, studs should not be worn. The only exception to this rule is if a child’s ears have very recently been pierced then, on swimming and P.E. days, they may wear their studs provided they have been covered with tape (by a parent) before coming to school. Once the lesson is over the child can remove the tape. Staff cannot take responsibility for removing or replacing studs or for their loss.

Children may wear a watch, smart watches are not acceptable, when they are able to tell the time but responsibility for its safe keeping belongs to them, and the school will not be held responsible for any losses. Watches must be removed for swimming, P.E. and games lessons.


We value the help that parents are able to give in school. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that parent helpers will work in the same class in which their children are placed.

Parents help in a variety of ways, both in and out of the classroom.This help may be of a specialist or general nature and might include sewing, cooking, working with children on laptops, working in the library or accompanying children on educational visits. Offers to help are always welcome. Parent helpers must have a completed police check before we can accept their support in school.

As well as helping in school, parents support the school with fund raising activities. These events raise funds which cover the cost of educational visits, visits from theatre and music groups and provide additional items of equipment for the children which we would otherwise be unable to purchase. In recent years much of the money raised has been used to establish outdoor play facilities in the school playgrounds and equipment for children to use at break times and lunchtimes. These facilities are an example of how parental support in both fund raising and working in school benefits our pupils.


Some children find the school day to be too long, too hard and sometimes overwhelming. They may be quiet, noisy, lonely, unhappy, confused, struggling or needing extra help. We are very fortunate to have custom built nurture rooms at both site. These rooms offers children the opportunity to work in a small group with one or two adults. It is hoped that within this environment a child will grow emotionally and socially and be able to successfully relate and interact with other children and adults.

Children will join staff in the nurture rooms for differing periods of time during a week, usually for either a morning or afternoon session each day.

Progress is reviewed on a regular basis. Children remain on their own class register and the aim is always to return them full time to their own class.

The formal school work provided in liaison with the class teachers will obviously be of importance, but the main aim is to provide an environment where a child feels safe and secure, being able to learn and develop without feeling threatened or having a sense of failure.

Nurture staff also work in the classrooms with whole class groups to support all children in developing an understanding of the school's Values and support the teaching of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS).

The nurture staff provide a Breakfast Club for those children who will benefit from this daily link between home and school and some lunchtime support for children who may find the busy lunchtime playground overwhelming.


  • We consider community links to benefit both the community and the school.
  • Our involvement takes many forms, including:-
  • Inviting neighbours and senior citizens into school;
  • Choirs visiting old peoples' homes;
  • Supporting local charities;
  • Inviting visiting speakers and clergy;
  • Supporting secondary schools and the University College Isle of Man by accommodating students for training, work experience, community service etc;
  • Inviting local newspapers to school events;
  • Entering local competitions and concerts;
  • Taking children out into the local community for first hand experiences e.g. Manx Museum, historical sites, emergency services, visits to shops.


Parking space around both school sites is limited. Parents are not allowed to drive their cars into the infant school entrance off Thorny Road or park across the emergency exit gates.

We ask that parents do not park on the bus stop area and zig - zag lines on Stoney Road and Laureston Avenue, or down the lanes both sides of the junior site as this creates a potentially dangerous situation for children arriving and leaving school.

We thank you for your support and co-operation in this difficult matter.


Dogs are not permitted on school property. We must ask that you do not bring dogs into the playground when collecting children or leave dogs tied to the school gates.

More in the section Information for Parents and Carers:

Accessibility Plan

Scoill yn Jubilee Infants: Scoill yn Jubilee Infant Site is located on Stoney Road. There are regular buses to the area and a bus stop is located on Woodbourne Road. The school site, can be accessed on foot following a pedestrian pathway to the main entrance via the Early Years Foundation Stage pla…

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Data Protection and Privacy Notice

As a member of a school community it is necessary to process your information but this will only be done in accordance with the Data Protection Principles. Fair Processing Notice The Headteacher in the name of Scoill Yn Jubilee as Data controller The Headteacher, in the name of Scoill Yn Jubilee is…

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These e-safety leaflets aim to help parents with advice to keep your children safe during their online activities. managing_screen_time.pdf Online_safety_schools.pdf smartphone_safety_tips.pdf monkey.pdf esafety briefing Online gaming is hugely popular with children and young people. Annual researc…

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Online learning

Here we have also collated a list of websites that may be useful for you to use for home learning. We will continue to add to this throughout. There are a range of resources that should help to engage your children during this time. It is important to remember that websites often have unwanted adve…

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Quality Assurance Report - Scoill yn Jubilee

Dear Parents and Carers, An external validation visit was undertaken at Scoill Yn Jubilee on the 20th and 21st June 2024 as part of a programme of external validation of schools commissioned by The Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC). The aim of the external validation vis…

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This page provides information about Scoill yn Jubilee's RSE curriculum. Please read the letters below that has been issued to all parents (05/03/2025). RSE_R_Y1_Y2_Y3_Y4_Y6.pdf RSE_Year_5_only.pdf Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is a subject which falls under the wider umbrella of Personal,…

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School Data 2024

We are delighted to be able to share the June 2024 achievements of our Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 children.

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School Holiday Dates

Spring Term 2025 Starts: Monday 6 January 2025 Half Term: Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February Includes 2 days in-service for all schools to be twilighted Close for Easter: Friday 4 April Summer Term 2025 Start: Tuesday 22 April Bank Holiday: Monday 5 May Bank Holiday: Monday 26 May In-service…

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Starting School

Before your child has their first visit to Scoill yn Jubilee you will be invited to join our 'Its Learning' Hub, an online platform for Learning. 'Its Learning' will provide up to date information about your child's new learning community and how you can help prepare them for their adventure. Detai…

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