Dear Parents here you will find our school policies. Please get in touch if you wish to see a policy that is not listed here.
Scoill yn Jubilee Policies

Learning for Life - "Our vision is of a caring, happy school community where we build confidence, inspire a love of learning and have high aspirations for all".
Dear Parents here you will find our school policies. Please get in touch if you wish to see a policy that is not listed here.
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YOUR CHILD AS AN INDIVIDUAL During your child's time with us we aim to provide a learning programme with consideration to his/her individual needs. Children will be taught in whole class situations, large and small groups and on an individual basis where…
More in the section Scoill yn Jubilee Policies:
Assessment Policy
Attendance Policy
Please find below our Charging Policy: Charging_Policy.pdf
Please click the link below to find the DESC Complaints Policy and Procedure: SyJ Complaints Policy: Complaints_Policy.pdf
DESC Suspension of Pupils
Encouraging Learning Policy 2019 Encouraging Learning Policy
eSafety Policy
Handwriting Policy
Inclusion Policy
Spelling Policy
SyJ Anti-Bullying Policy 2023 SYJ_Anti_Bullying_Policy_2023.pdf SyJ Anti-bullying Code SYJ_Anti_Bullying_Code.pdf Relationships Policy Relationships_Policy_Dec_2023_v5.pdf