Dear Parents and Carers,
An external validation visit was undertaken at Scoill Yn Jubilee on the 20th and 21st June 2024 as part of a programme of external validation of schools commissioned by The Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC). The aim of the external validation visit was to promote continuous improvement and to deliver consistency, share best practice and deliver positive outcomes for children and young people. The visit was undertaken by two independent external validators from Tribal Education.
External validators looked at a wide range of evidence presented by school leaders, including the school self-evaluation, and sampled the work of the school during the visit. These activities were focussed on key areas based on the self-evaluation of the school and included visits to a cross-section of lessons, meetings with staff and pupils, gathering the views of parents and Governors where appropriate and scrutiny of documentation.
During the visit, external validators considered key areas of focus which were explored in collaboration with the school leaders to validate school leaders’ own evaluations.
Relationships between staff, children, parents and carers are at the heart of the school's success. Teachers and support staff work together effectively and seamlessly as a single team to create a nurturing environment in which the wellbeing of all your children is clearly recognised and where they are supported to grow and develop as confident, respectful and rounded young people.
As a result of this experience, based upon core values, your children are articulate ambassadors for the school and all that it stands for. They are able to speak confidently about their experiences and choices, and what they most enjoy about the challenge of their topic- themed learning. As one child put it, ‘learning and homework here is fun and we can choose what we learn in our topic.’
Parents and carers clearly recognise and greatly value the positive impact that the school makes on children’s lives, both within and outside the classroom. They comment on how all staff help to build wider confidence in their children and recognise and celebrate their successes.
Parents, represented as part of the validation visit, agreed that their children looked forward to coming to school, and staff are regarded as visible and approachable at all times. Parents and carers reflected on how a review of home-school communication could further benefit children’s learning, for example through the provision of an annual topic calendar so that parents can enrich learning outside the classroom. For children where English is not their first language, parents reflected on the clarity of how information is shared, parents would welcome involvement in a regular parent forum where they can share these views.
Taking into account all of the areas above, the school’s reflective leadership is ready to embark on the next phase of its journey with the learner at the centre of their priorities. They are now focused on further developing the quality of teaching for learning to ensure that your children consistently experience the personalised learning choices and opportunities that characterise the very best practice observed. Children at Scoill Yn Jubilee thrive when learning is engaging and adapted to offer support and challenge for all.
The school has already identified the need to review their approaches to assessment so that children can progress in their skills, knowledge and understanding through learning opportunities which are scaffolded, supported and challenged at every point throughout the school.
The school is actively focused on the next stage of its vision and values to ensure that the whole school is sharing an aspirational learning culture for all.
The areas of growth identified above, as part of the external validation visit, are being reviewed and actioned by the school as part of a continuous cycle of self-evaluation.
Kind regards
Nicola Morris
Lead Validator
External Validation Team